

Every Christian knows how to worship The Lord, theoretically.

But somehow not everyone understands exactly how to worship.

Worship is a give thanks to The Lord in Spirit and in Truth.


In Spirit:::

Our bodies have 3 parts : flesh, mind/soul, and spirit.

Flesh can be seen with eyes.

Mind/soul can’t be seen with eyes but it moves our body.

Spirit is the best part of our body, it knows how to pray, how to rejoice, to worship The Lord, and God talk to us through our spirit.


So, we need to wake our spirit to have intimacy with God’s Spirit. Spirit gives life.


In Truth:::

We receive the truth from our relationship with Jesus. We hear The Words. If we’re living The Truth, Have a real intimacy with God, wow… we will live our life just like The Lord does, be just like Him.


Therefore, in Spirit and in Truth mean we praise The Lord with our strength, offer a living sacrifice, live our life in God’s Truth and have intimacy with His Spirit.


Be blessed and be a blessing


Piece of cake..?

April 9, 2009

From : Ivy..

Sometimes we ask ourselves :

what did I do to deserve this? why does God let these things happen to me?

Here is the explanation ...

A daughter tells her mother how everything is going wrong for her; she probably failed her math exam, her boyfriend just dumped her... for her bestfriend. In times so sad, a good mother knows just the thing to cheer up her daughter. "I make a delicious cake" In that moment the mother hugged her daughter ad walked her to the kitchen while her daughter at...

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April 9, 2009
Apapun pekerjaanmu,apapun latar belakang hidupmu,kamu tetap pangeran dan putri Kerajaan Allah!
Dia yang empunya emas dan perak!Jangan kuatir akan apa yang kamu makan,minum,pakai!
Berdoa dan bekerjalah,berjuang dalam iman.
Tuhan akan bukakan rancanganNya untuk kamu.Rancangan damai sejahtera,bukan kecelakaan.
Sebab Allah adalah Raja di atas segala raja dan Tuhan di atas segala tuan.

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About Me

GBI ROCK PANDAAN We are princes and princesses of Christ' Kingdom. We are the heirs and the heiresses of Kingdom of God. And you also, the heir/the heiress of Christ' Kingdom. We represent the Kingdom of God. So, if you want to join us, please come to our service every Sunday, or maybe you would like to share your life story with us, come to Komsel Messianik or send us your story, your testimonials. Feel free..Gbu


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